Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Big Brother 11 Episode 24 Reveals Pandora's Box

Big Brother 11 episode 24 started off a bit slow. The beginning of Big Brother 11 episode 24 began with Natalie and Kevin posing more lies to Jeff about how he was safe, and how he had nothing to worry about in the house. A quick diary
Big Brother 11 Episode 24 Reveals Pandora's Box room segment edited in by CBS showed that Natalie was indeed just telling lies in order to keep Jeff quiet in the house. Maybe they were afraid of a blow up, but Big Brother 11 episode 24 sure seemed like another lie-fest. When the episode moved over to the Pandora's Box, it didn't stop the lies unfortunately.

The trick to the mystery door was revealed when Kevin had the chance to go into the door and possibly earn a prize for the house. When he got into the room, a box was inside that was dubbed Pandora's Box, and he had to stick his hand into it to release $10,000. When he stuck his hand inside, he was locked in place, and suddenly very upset. Outside in the backyard, money started falling from the sky, and the rest of the house tried their hardest to grab as much money as they could as it fell into the yard. Meanwhile Kevin started yelling to try and get someone to come up and help him, and he also discovered that there was a key in the house to free him. He lied and told Natalie and Jeff that they had to release him to keep the money, and then proceeded to go grab some of the cash himself.

During the Pandora's Box luxury challenge, Jordan was able to grab $1,726, Natalie grabbed $1,904, Michele grabbed $2,563 and Jeff grabbed $3,181. When Kevin got unlocked finally he got $626 as well. It was a big event for all of them, and some more insight into how exactly the people in the house were loyal, or weren't loyal to each other. Natalie had the chance to help Kevin at one point, but instead of looking for the key to free him, ran back to grab more money, and showed her true colors in the process.

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